5th International Workshop on |
October 3-6, 1999, ROME, Italy. |
SPONSORED BY the IEEE Computer Society Test Technology Technical Committee and TIMA Laboratory in cooperation with the IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society, the DETERMIN Project supported by the European Commission and the European Test Technology Technical Council. |
Aim of the Workshop
Previous THERMINIC Workshops have been held in Grenoble (1995), Budapest (1996), Cannes (1997 and 1998).
More than 80 submissions have been received (the highest number since the Workshop has been started). From these submissions, the Programme Committee selected 42 contributions for oral presentation and 28 for poster presentation. Oral contributions consist of 15 min. presentations followed by 5 min. discussion. The posters will be introduced by one slide in 3 minutes each.
The main topics to be discussed during the Workshop are the following:
Workshop Committee
General Chair | B. Courtois | TIMA Grenoble/France |
Vice General Chair | M. Rencz | TU Budapest/Hungary |
Programme Chairs | C. Lasance | Philips/The Netherlands |
V. Szekely | TU Budapest/Hungary |
Programme Committee
D. Agonafer, IBM Corp./USA K. Azar, Lucent Techno./USA M. Baelmans, KUL/Belgium A. Bar-Cohen, U. of Minnesota/USA I. Barsony, KFKI-ATKI/ Hungary E. Beyne, IMEC/Belgium D. Blackburn, NIST Gaithersburg/USA W. Claeys, U. Bordeaux/France D. De Cogan, U. of East Anglia/UK G. De Mey, U. Gent/Belgium U. Dillner, IPHT/Germany J.M. Dorkel, LAAS/France T. Gautier, Thomson CSF/France B. Guenin, AMKOR/USA G. Gielen, KU Leuven/Belgium M. Glesner, TH Darmstadt/Germany H. Jaouen, STMicroelectronics./France E. Jones, US Air Force/USA S. Kang, U. Illinois/USA |
M. Kimura, U. Tohoku/Japan G. Kromann, Motorola/USA P. Lybaert, Fac. Polytec. Mons/France A. Napieralski, TU Lodz/Poland A. Ortega, U. Arizona/USA J. Parry, Flomerics/UK P. Raad, Southern Methodist U./USA J. Rantala, Nokia/Finland S. Roumenin, Bulgarian Acad. Sc/Bulgaria A. Rubio, UPC/Spain N. Sabry, U. Mansoura/Egypt J.B. Saulnier, ENSMA/France B. Siegal, Thermal Eng. Ass./USA A. Sihldom, IVF/Sweden O. Slattery, NMRC/Ireland T. Tarter, AMD/USA A. Tay, Nat. U. Singapore/Singapore P. Tuerkes, Siemens/Germany Y. Zorian, LogicVision/USA |
More information on the Workshop is available from:
TU Budapest |
The Workshop and the Tutorials will be held at the Jolly hotel, in Rome. In a magnificent location, overlooking the park of Villa Borghese and only a few steps from the famous "Via Veneto" and Spanish steps. It can be easily reached by air, rail and car.
Jolly Hotel
Vittorio Veneto
Corso Italia, 1
00198 Rome
Tel.: +39 06 84 95 (reservation)
Fax: +39 06 884 1104 (reservation)
Jolly Hotel provides all the usual, necessary audio-visual aids (projector, overhead projector, video), poster-mounting walls etc.
Rome can be accessed by air, rail and by car.
Hotel Information
Blocks of rooms have been reserved at several hotels including Jolly Hotel V. Veneto where the Workshop will be held. Rooms are reserved from the 2 October. October is a high season in Rome so early reservation is recommended. Reservations will be on a first-come first-served basis. For each hotel, there is a deadline: 31 July beyond which rooms are not guarantied at all. Blocks of rooms for THERMINC 99 attendees have been reserved at the following hotels:
JOLLY Hotel V. VENETO C. so Italia, 1 00198 Rome T+39 06 84 95 F+39 06 8841104 Single itl: 360.000 Double it: 440.000 |
Hotel SAVOY Via Ludovisi, 15 00187 Rome T+39 06 4744141 F+39 06 4746812 Single itl: 360.000 Double it: 440.000 |
Hotel SOFITEL Via Lombardia, 47 00189 Rome T+39 06 478028 F+39 06 4821019 Single itl: 360.000 Double it: 440.000 |
Hotel VICTORIA Via Campania, 41 00187 Rome T+39 06 473931 F+39 06 4871890 Single itl: 300.000 Double it: 400.000 |
While the Workshop organisation makes every effort in order to ensure the safety and well being of all the Workshop participants and associates, the Workshop cannot take responsibility for an accident or damage that may occur during the Workshop.
Informal Proceedings will be made available to attendees, based on papers provided by authors. Special Issues of Journals will constitute formal Proceedings.
The Special issue of Microelectronics Journal collect papers dealing with thermal simulation, measuring and monitoring of thermal states. The submissions should be approximately 4,000 words, but longer or shorter contributions may be accepted. Detailed specifications for the submissions may be found in any issue of the Journal (back cover).
The Special section of the IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology will focus on thermal aspects relating to packaging. The submissions (not limited to those, presented at the Workshop) should be typewritten or printed double-spaced, one side only, using a font size of 11 points or larger, and include an informative 100-250 word abstract. Detailed specifications for the submissions may be found in any issue of the Journal (back cover).
The deadline to submit to either of the Special Issues is 31 October 1999. Authors should indicate the Journal they submit to. They will be notified about their papers by 31 December 1999. Final versions will be due by 31 January 2000, along the instructions that will be provided in due time.
Submit 6 copies (specifying the Journal you submit to):
46 Avenue Felix Viallet
38031 Grenoble cedex, France
Tel: +33 4 76 57 46 15
Fax: +33 4 76 47 38 14
An exhibition will be held during the time of the Workshop. Stands are available to companies interested to exhibit equipment, materials, software, etc. Booking of each 6-sqm stand will give one free registration at the Workshop, including the welcome reception on 4 October 1999, the lunches on Monday 4 October, Tuesday 5 October and Wednesday 6 October and the diner on Tuesday 5 October.
Booking of each 6-sqm stand will also give one slot of time during the vendors' session. The number of stands is limited. They will be offered on a first signed - first served basis. Contact the General Chair for more information.
Grants from the European Commission
The European Commission offers a support to help participants from Central and Eastern Europe. Registration fees might be withdrawn and help in lodging might be provided. Central and Eastern Europe participants have to apply to B. COURTOIS.