12th International Workshop on |
ICs and SYSTEMS 27-29 September 2006, Nice, Côte d'Azur, France. |
Sponsored by | |
![]() CNRS - INPG - UJF |
![]() Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Society |
General Chair B. Courtois TIMA Labs Grenoble, France Vice General Chair M. Rencz BUTE Budapest, Hungary Programme Chairs C. Lasance Philips, The Netherlands V. Székely BUTE Budapest, Hungary Programme Committee T. Baba NMI of Japan, Tsukuba/Japan I. Barsony KFKI-ATKI/Hungary B. Charlot TIMA Labs./France & LIMMS, Tokyo/Japan H. Chiueh National Chiao Tung U./Taiwan F. Christiaens Alcatel Bell/Belgium W. Claeys U. Bordeaux/France L. Codecasa Polit. di Milano/Italy G. De Mey Ghent U./Belgium W. Faris IIUM/Malaysia S. Garimella Purdue U., West Lafayette/USA Y-C. Gerstenmaier Siemens/Germany Y. Gianchandani U. of Michigan/USA A. Glezer The Georgia Inst. of Techn./USA J. Janssen Philips Semiconductors The Netherlands G. Matijasevic U. of California/USA A. Napieralski TU Lodz/Poland P. Raad South. Methodist U./USA Z. Radivojevic Nokia/Finland A. Rubio UPC/Spain Y. Scudeller Ecole Polytechnique U. Nantes/France A. Shakouri U. of California/USA M-W. Shin Myong Ji U./Korea A. Siebert Rolls-Royce/UK O. Slattery NMRC/Ireland E. Suhir UC Santa Cruz/USA A. Tay NUS/Singapore B. Vandevelde IMEC/Belgium S. Volz Ecole Centrale Paris/France
C.P. Wong |
Call for Papers
THERMINIC Workshops are a series of events to discuss the essential thermal questions of microelectronic microstructures and electronic parts in general.
These questions are becoming more and more crucial with the increasing element density of circuits packaged together and with the move to nanotechnology.
These trends are calling for thermal simulation, monitoring and cooling.
Thermal management is expected to become an increasingly dominating factor of a system’s cost.
The growing power dissipated in a package, the mobile parts of microsystems raise new thermal problems to be solved in the near future necessitating the regular discussion of the experts in these fields.
Finally, there is an increasing need for accurate assessment of the boundary conditions used in the analysis of electronic parts, which requires a concurrent solution of the thermal behaviour of the whole system.
This year THERMINIC will address in addition to the traditional thermal management problems, also stress and thermal-stress-related-reliability issues, both in micro- and opto-electronics fields. These issues, including various nanotechnology applications, are of significant importance and of high interest to the engineering community engaged in the field of thermal phenomens in high-tech systems. The Workshop is sponsored by the IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society and TIMA Laboratory. Areas of interest
The areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
• Thermal and Temperature Sensors • Thermal Simulation • Electro-thermal Simulation • Thermal Modelling and Investigation of Packages • Reliability Issues • High Temperature Electronics • Heat Transfer Education • Flow Visualisation Techniques • Turbulence Modelling in Complex Geometrics • Measurement of Thermal Properties • Acquisition and Analysis of Thermal data • Temperature Mapping • Novel and Advanced Cooling Techniques • Thermal Performance of Interconnects • Heat Transfer Enhancement • Validation of Thermal Software • Coupled (Thermo-mechanical, Thermo-optical, etc.) Effects • Defect and Failure Modelling • Thermal Stress: Theory and Experiment • Thermal Stress Failures: Prediction and Prevention • Reliability Evolution and Prediction • Multiphysics Simulation • Nanoengineering Issues • Nanotechnology Applications • Education. Technical Programme
The programme will include oral talks, posters presentations, a panel discussion and invited talks given by prominent speakers.
Invited talks will include:
![]() ![]() Information for the authors
Authors are invited to submit electronic papers describing recent work. Panel proposals are also invited.
Papers may be extended summaries (minimum 500 words) or full papers although preference will be given to full paper submissions.
In either case, clearly describe the nature of the work, explain its significance, highlight novel features, and describe its current status.
Submission will be electronically only. Only papers of PDF (.pdf), MS Word (.doc), RTF (.rtf) or PS (.ps) formats can be submitted. Compressed paper versions (.zip or .gz) are highly recommended. You are allowed to submit at most 2 formats of your paper. Detailed information about the submission process will be made available on the THERMINIC web page. In case you experience any problems with the submission procedure, please contact the General Chair, Bernard Courtois, TIMA Labs, Grenoble, France. Accepted contributions will be included in Workshop Proceedings.
Vendors and book exhibitions
The THERMINIC Workshop invites vendors offering products in the scope of the Workshop to exhibit. Editors are invited to exhibit books.
Special Issue and Special Sections
Special Issues and special sections of leading periodicals have been organised regarding the previous Workshops (Journal of Sensors and Actuators, Microelectronics Journal, IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, Journal of Electronic Packaging).
It is again expected to have special issues and special sections of leading periodicals as follow up of the Workshop 2006.
A Tutorial will be offered on 26 September, prior to the Workshop.
![]() Robert Moffat, Stanford Univ., USA For many designers, real-life is more like hell than paradise. There is always a big discrepancy between the simplified textbook examples and the complexity encountered in practice. This is especially true in the thermal management of electronic parts and systems. This short course will address several topics, widely used, that cause trouble when trying to solve thermal problems in industry.
• About the widespread misuse of correlations • CFD: todays' designer's delight, but... • Experimental errors: easy to make, easy to prevent • How to use an estimate of the uncertainty to improve the experiment Venue
The Workshop will take place in the Boscolo Plaza Hotel which is located in Nice.
Nice, located in the south of France, is the gem of the French Riviera: elegant, chic, popular and antique. A University town and the business hub of Provence, Nice sparkles with life all year round. Every form of entertainment is available in this pleasant city of France, while a rich cultural heritage fascinates visitors. We are just 100 mt from Nice's famous Place Masséna and the Promenade des Anglais, from exclusive downtown shopping, nightlife, and our private beach, The Ruhl Plage. The Boscolo Plaza Hotel is just a stone's throw from the historic Old Town of Nice with its bustling narrow streets dating back to medieval times, its many tempting food shops and restaurants and a growing number of artists' workshops and galleries. ![]() Access ![]() ![]() ![]() |