11th International Workshop on |
Tutorials, Tuesday September 27, 2005.
András Poppe, BUTE, Budapest, Hungary The tutorial covers advanced topics selected from the field of thermal measurement of microelectronic structures and MEMS devices. It broadly discusses the dynamic modelling problems and focuses on multiport issues in multichip and stacked die devices and MEMS. It also gives an overview of existing and future standards. The tutorial would include, but will not be limited to the following topics:
András Poppe is an associate professor at Budapest University of Technology & Economics, Department of Electron Devices.
He is also one of the co-founders of MicReD.
Formerly he carried out research in the field of physical device modelling and circuit simulation.
Since the mid-90-ies he has been dealing with thermal issues in microelectronics and MEMS. He contributed to the development of thermal and electro-thermal simulation tools as well as to dedicated software tools used for the evaluation of thermal transient measurements.
As such, in the recent years he had a number of successful tutorials.
András Poppe is co-author of over 80 scientific publications, most of which deal with thermal issues in microelectronics.
Ali Shakouri, U. of California, Santa Cruz, USA In his tutorial Prof. Ali Shakouri will introduce the participants to the newest thermal management techniques in electronics. Nanoscale engineering of materials gives the opportunity to modify the fundamental heat transport properties beyond what can be achieved in bulk materials. Very high thermal conductivities have been measured in carbon nanotubes. On the other hand embedded nanoparticles and superlattices have been used to reduce the thermal conductivity below the alloy limit. An overview of the main issues affecting thermoelectric devices at nanoscale will be also given. These include quantum confinement due to wave nature of carriers, ballistic transport due to limited scattering at small scales and interface effects such as thermionic emission and evaporative cooling at heterostructures. The tutorial will include the following topics:
Ali Shakouri is associate professor of electrical engineering at University of California Santa Cruz.
He received his undergraduate degree from Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications de Paris, France and Ph.D. from California Institute of Technology in 1990 and 1995, respectively.
His current research is on nanoscale heat and current transport in semiconductor devices, submicron thermal imaging, micro refrigerators on a chip and novel optoelectronic integrated circuits.
He is the director of the Thermionic Energy Conversion center, a multi university research initiative aiming to improve direct thermal to electric energy conversion technologies.
He received the Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering in 1999, the NSF CAREER award in 2000 and the UCSC School of Engineering FIRST Professor Award in 2004.