8th International Workshop on THERMal INvestigations of ICs and Systems
1-4 October 2002, Madrid, Spain. |
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Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, Test Technology Technical Council and TIMA Laboratory in cooperation with the IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society and with the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society French Chapter. |
Wednesday 2 October 2002
8:00 |
Registration |
9:30 |
Welcome address: B. Courtois, |
TIMA Laboratory, Grenoble, France
9:40 |
Invited talk 1: Thermal management of CPUs: A perspective on trends, needs and solution opportunities |
R. Mahajan, INTEL Group, Chandler, AZ, USA Chair: C.J.M. Lasance, Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
10:20 |
Session 1: Thermal measurements and modelling |
Chair: P. Rodgers, Electronics Thermal Management, Ireland
10:20 |
P.L. Komarov, M.G. Burzo, G. Kaytaz, P.E. Raad, Southern Methodist U., Dallas, USA |
Transient thermo-reflectance measurements of the thermal conductivity and interface resistance of metallized natural and isotopically-pure silicon |
10:40 |
M. Rencz, MicReD, Budapest, Hungary |
V. Székely, TU Budapest, Hungary Studies on the error resulting from neglecting nonlinearity effects in dynamic compact model generation |
11:00 |
D. Schweitzer, H. Pape, Infineon Technologies AG, München, Germany |
Thermal transient modeling and experimental validation of power packages |
11:20 |
S. Carubelli, K. Oulahoum, Z. Khatir, INRETS, Arcueil, France |
Experimental validation of a new thermal modelling method dedicated to a multichip power module under working condition |
11:40 |
Break |
12:00 |
Posters session 1 |
Posters are introduced by one slide in 2 minutes each Chair: M. Rencz, BUTE, Budapest, Hungary |
M. Ivanova, Y. Avenas, K. Ouattara, G. Kapelski, Ch. Schaeffer, LEG, Saint Martin d'Hères, France |
Application of sintered metal powder in power electronics cooling |
J. Broadbent, S. Lin, Thermacore Europe, Northumberland, United Kingdom |
Therma-bus®, next generation telecom cabinet cooling solution |
G.E. Cossali, D.A. Di Pietro, M. Marengo, TFHT - U. of Bergamo, Dalmine, Italy |
Design of a cooling system with microchannels for a high energy physics particle detector |
M. Checchetti, MicrOptronics, Milano, Italy |
HMW THS - large heat sinks with forced internal convection |
P. He, L. Liu, L. Tian, Z. Li, Tsinghua U., Beijing, China |
Measurement of thermal conductivity of buried oxides of SOI by SIMOX |
E. Driessens, B. Vandevelde, E. Beyne, IMEC, Heverlee Belgium |
D. Corlatan, E. Roose, Alcatel Bell, Antwerpen, Belgium Experimental validation of a star-shaped thermal compact model of underfilled flip chip assemblies |
Z. Suszynski, R. Arsoba, TU. of Koszalin, Poland |
A. Napieralski, W. Tylman, TU. of Lódz, Poland Infrared detection of delaminations using induction heating |
P. Pruja, B. Claudet, M. Polit, LP2A Perpignan, France |
O. Gagliano, J-J. Serra, DGA/CTA/LOT/GHF, Font Romeu, France Photothermal microanalysis of thermal discontinuities in metallic samples |
E. Montané, J-L. Merino, M. Puig-Vidal, S. Bota, J. Samitier, U. de Barcelona, Spain |
An electronic system to control the ignition of an array of mpyrotechnic nodes |
G.T. Penalva, A.A. López, À.B. del Campo, F-J.O. González, UPM, Madrid, Spain |
New indirect electrical method for thermal characterisation of MMIC power amplifiers |
W. Nailong, Z. Runde, L. Miao, IME of Tsinghua U., Beijing, China |
Cell-level thermal placement optimization for high-performance VLSI chips design |
S. Koziel, W. Szczesniak, TU of Gdansk, Poland |
Reducing average and peak themperatures of VLSI CMOS circuits by means of evolutionary algorithm |
T. Joo Goh, Intel Products, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia |
K.N. Seetharamu, G.A. Quadir, Z.A. Zainal, U. Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia Thermal investigations of multiple heat sources within silicon chip |
S.P Matova, K.A.A. Makinwa, J.H. Huijsing, Delft U. of Technology, The Netherlands |
Modeling and compensation of packaging asymmetry in a 2-D wind sensor |
K. Górecki, W.J. Stepowicz, A. Loziñski, Gdynia Maritime U., Poland |
Thermal performance of LSCO and LSFO films for IR detectors |
V. Guarnieri, A. Bagolini, V. Micheli, M. Filippi, F. Moscon, F. Giacomozzi, B. Margesin, M. Zen, ITC-IRST, Povo, Italy |
R. Pal, M. Decarli, G. Soncini, U. of Trento, Mesiano, Italy Cr/Ni/Au multilayer films for high temperature MEMS applications |
13:30 |
Lunch |
15:00 |
Vendor's session: B. Courtois, |
TIMA Laboratory, Grenoble, France
16:00 |
Session 2: Sensors and MEMS |
Chair: P. Raad, Southern Methodist U., Dallas, USA
16:00 |
V. Székely1, M. Rencz1-2, E. Kollár1, J. Mizsei1 |
1BUTE, Budapest, Hungary 2MicReD, Budapest, Hungary Heat-flux sensor for the thermal measurement of IC packages |
16:20 |
D. Meunier, D. Tsamados, J. Boussey, IMEP, ENSERG, Grenoble, France |
S. Tardu, LEGI, Grenoble, France Realization and simulation of wall shear stress integrated sensor |
16:40 |
Break |
17:00 |
L. Chu1, Y. Gianchandani1-2 |
1U. of Wisconsin, Madison, USA 2U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA An electrothermally actuated, feedback controlled 2D micropositioner with sub-nanometer resolution |
17:20 |
L. Chu, D. Nelson, A.D. Oliver, Y.B. Gianchandani, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA |
Polysilicon grain transformations and performance drift in electrothermal microactuators |
17:40 |
O. Slattery, D. O'Mahoney, E. Sheehan, F.Waldron, NMRC, Cork, Ireland |
Source of variation in piezoresistive stress sensor measurements |
18:00 |
J.H. Lee1, M.H. Li1, Y.B. Gianchandani1-2 |
1U. of Wisconsin, Madison, USA 2U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA Photoresist metrology and microcalorimetry using an ultracompliant micromachined scanning thermal probe |
18:30 |
Cocktail |
Thursday 3 October 2002
8:30 |
Invited talk 2: Advanced cooling concepts and their challenges |
K. Azar, Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc., Norwood, USA Chair: G. De Mey, Ghent U., Belgium
9:10 |
Session 3: Liquid cooling |
Chair: A. Ortega, U. of Arizona, USA
9:10 |
S. Murthy, U. of Maryland, College Park, USA |
Y. Joshi, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA W. Nakayama, ThermTech International, Kanagawa, 255-0004, Japan Orientation independent two-phase heat spreaders for space constrained applications |
9:30 |
R. Khodabandeh, B. Palm, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden |
Thermosyphon concept for cooling of PCB |
9:50 |
S.N. Heffington, W.Z. Black, A. Glezer, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA |
Two-phase spray cooling thermal management of microelectronic packages using vibration-induced droplet atomization heat transfer cells |
10:10 |
R. Mahalingam, N. Rumigny, A. Glezer, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA |
Synthetic jet ejector heat sinks for high heat transfer at low flow rates |
10:30 |
Break |
11:00 |
Posters session 2 |
Posters are introduced by one slide in 2 minutes each Chair: M. Rencz, BUTE, Budapest, Hungary |
L. Codecasa, D. D'Amore, P. Maffezzoni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
W. Batty, U. of Leeds, United Kingdom Multi-point moment matching reduction of distributed thermal networks |
L. Codecasa, D. D'Amore, P. Maffezzoni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
Parameters for multi-point moment matching reduction of thermal networks |
Y. Tal, A. Nabi, Rafael, Haïfa, Israel |
Generating engineering-boundary-condition-independent two-resistors compact-thermal-model by means of the MTSA approach |
L-D. Patino-Lopez, S. Dilhaire, S. Grauby, J-M. Rampnoux, S. Jorez, W. Claeys, U. Bordeaux I, France |
Thermal self induction in PN thermoelectric couple. Determination of the dynamic electrical equivalent model |
S. Du, Andrew Corporation, Addison, USA |
A new effective thermal resistance parameter for RF transistors |
K. Skadron, M. Stan, M. Barcella, A. Dwarka, W. Huang, Y. Li, Y. Ma, A. Naidu, D. Parikh, P. Re, G. Rose, K. Sankaranarayanan, R. Suryanarayan, S. Velusamy, H. Zhang, Y. Zhang, U. of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA |
HotSpot: techniques for modeling thermal effects at the processor-architecture level |
N. Cordero, J. West, H. Berney, NMRC, Cork, Ireland |
Thermal modelling of ohmic heating micro-reactors |
T.S. Shelar, G.S. Visweswaran, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India |
Electro thermal modeling of MOSFET and it's application to analog integrated circuit simulation |
M. Macchiaroli, V. d'Alessandro, G. Breglio, N. Rinaldi, P. Spirito, U. of Naples "Federico II", Italy |
Improved electro-thermal simulation of power devices |
J. Palacín, M. Salleras, S. Marco, J. Samitier, U. de Barcelona, Spain |
Optimization of dynamic compact thermal models using genetic algorithms |
X. Lin, P. He ,L. Tian, Y. Dong, M. Chen, X. Wang, Tsinghua U., Beijing, China |
Thermal analysis of DSOI (Drain/Source On Insulator) MOSFETs |
M. Malinski, TU of Koszalin, Poland |
A modified approach to the analysis of piezoelectric photoacoustic spectra |
N. Semmar, C. Georges, C. Boulmer-Leborgne, GREMI-CNRS-U. d'Orléans, France |
The melting kinetics of thin film coatings irradiated by nanosecond pulsed lasers |
I. Godovitsyn, O. Sveen, U. of Oslo, Norway |
Electro-thermo-mechanical simulation of surface-micromachined piezoresistive pressure sensors |
13:00 |
Lunch |
14:30 |
Session 4: Thermal and Electro thermal simulation |
Chair: A. Poppe, BUTE, Budapest, Hungary
14:30 |
L. Codecasa, D. D'Amore, P. Maffezzoni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
Electro-thermal analysis of silicon junctions at second breakdown |
14:50 |
W. Batty, C.M. Snowden, U. of Leeds, United Kingdom |
C.E. Christoffersen, Lakehead U., Ontario, Canada A.B. Yakovlev, The U. of Mississippi, Oxford, USA J.F. Whitaker, A. Mortazawi, R. Reano, K. Yang, L.P.B. Katehi, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA A. Al-Zayed, M. Ozkar, S. Ortiz, M.B. Steer, North Carolina State U., Raleigh, USA Electro-thermal simulation a complex design example: the spatial power combining MMIC array |
15:10 |
M.R. Casu, M. Graziano, G. Masera, G. Piccinini, M. Zamboni, Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
Coupled electro-thermal modeling and optimization of clock networks |
15:30 |
X. Jorda, M. Vellvehi, F. Madrid, P. Godignon, S. Hidalgo, Centre Nacional de Microelectronica, Cerdanyola del Valles, Spain |
N. Schofield, U. of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom Thermal characterisation and simulation of water-cooled igbt power modules for electric vehicle application |
15:50 |
Break |
16:10 |
Session 5: Thermal modelling |
Chair: D. Blackburn, NIST Gaithersburg, USA
16:10 |
Embedded tutorial: Dynamic compact thermal models: an overview of current and potential advances |
M.N. Sabry, Mentor Graphics, Egypt
16:40 |
L. Codecasa, D. D'Amore, P. Maffezzoni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
W. Batty, U. of Leeds, United Kingdom Multi-point moment matching reduction of distributed thermal networks |
17:00 |
M. Janicki, A. Napieralski, TU of Lòdz, Poland |
Analytical transient solution of heat equation with variable heat transfer coefficient |
17:20 |
V. Kyyhkynen, Nokia Research Center, Helsinki, Finland |
J. Valtanen, R. Heikkilä, E. Ristolainen, Tampere U. of Technology, Finland Synthesis of thermal RC-networks for system-in-packages |
20:30 |
Social event: Café de Chinitas |
Friday 4 October 2002
8:30 |
PROFIT special half-day on reliability |
Chair: K. Azar, Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc., Norwood, USA
8:30 |
Session 6: Characterisation of thermal systems |
8:30 |
C.J.M. Lasance, Philips Research Laboratory, Eindhoven, The Netherlands |
About the influence of area-averaged heat transfer coefficients on the accuracy of BCI compact thermal models in CFD simulations |
8:50 |
O. Leon, G. De Mey, E. Dick, U. of Ghent, Belgium |
Study of the optimal layout of cooling fins in forced convection cooling |
9:10 |
C.A. Tomazeti, C. Altemani, State U. of Campinas, Brazil |
A compact model for heat sinks with experimental verification |
9:30 |
G. Janssen, A. Leroux, A. Kole, P. Maessen, E. Eggink |
R. van Galen, Philips CFT, Eindhoven, The Netherlands The use of thermal maps in thermal management |
9:50 |
M.N. Poyyapakkam, Y.K. Joshi, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA |
Computational simulations of server room cooling - a parametric study |
10:10 |
J. Parry, Flomerics Ltd, Hampton Court, United Kingdom |
H. Pape, D. Schweitzer, Infineon Technologies, München, Germany J. Janssen, Philips Semiconductors, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Transient performance of common modeling assumptions used in detailed thermal package models |
10:30 |
Break |
11:00 |
Embedded tutorial: Emerging thermal challenges in electronics driven by performance, reliability and energy efficiency |
Y. Joshi, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
11:30 |
Panel: How well can we assess thermally driven reliability issues in electronic systems today ? |
Moderator: Yogendra Joshi, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA Panelists:
13:00 |
Lunch |
14:30 |
Session 7: Thermal aspects of ICs and PCBs |
Chair: M-N. Sabry, Mentor Graphics, Egypt
14:30 |
Y.C. Gerstenmaier, N. Seliger, Siemens, München, Germany |
G. Wachutka, München U. of Technology, Germany Efficient calculation of transient temperature fields responding to fast changing heat-sources over long duration in high frequency DC/DC converter |
14:50 |
K. Torki, F. Ciontu, TIMA, Grenoble, France |
IC thermal map from digital and thermal simulations |
15:10 |
I. Kazymyra, M. Blyzniuk, I. Farmaga, Lviv Polytechnic National U., The Ukraine |
Pre-layout estimation of ICS schematic susceptibility to the non-uniform temperature field distribution |
15:30 |
A. Nabi, L. Keysar, Y. Tal, Rafael, Haïfa, Israel |
Application of thermal-vias to reduce conduction thermal resistance at the edge of electronic boards |
15:50 |
Closing remarks: B. Courtois, |
TIMA Laboratory, Grenoble, France Friday 4 October 2002
17:00 |
Tutorial |
An Evening Tutorial is being offered on Friday 3rd October 2002 from 17.00 to 19.00. Attendance to the tutorial is free of charge.
Reservation and Registration
Hotel Reservation Form | Workshop Registration Form |
Copyright © 2002 Laboratoire TIMA.
Tous droits réservés.